The cooking competitions, both for professionals and for amateurs, keep growing year by year. We often mention it right here because our chefs frequently win the honors. But there is a culinary challenge that is a little more out of the ordinary than the others and it is the "Gelinaz! Shuffle ”. Have you ever heard of it?

Most connoisseurs believe that this international gastronomic event is the most spectacular of all and that it is closer to an artistic performance.


So, for one evening only, a grand total of 150 chefs from restaurants scattered around 40 countries must serve dishes imagined by other chefs. A month before, they had freelanced and received the eight-course menu anonymously which he had to prepare. They therefore have very little time to research the products and practice cooking.

The provenance was not revealed to them until the end of the evening.


Needless to say, this event showcases the creativity of chefs from all walks of life. On the other hand, the chefs had to modify the recipes in an interesting way and adjust them with the products available in each region.


Only three chefs from Canada participated in the 2019 edition of Gelinaz! Shuffle, Colombe St-Pierre from Restaurant Chez Saint-Pierre, Dyan Solomon from Foxy and Marc-Olivier Frappier from Mon Lapin!

For his part, St-Pierre had to prepare the menu imagined by a chef from Korea, Solomon that of a German chef and Frappier by an African.

The recipes of St-Pierre were drawn by an Australian chef while those of Solomon ended up in Africa and those of Frappier in Belgium.